Properties of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence

Welcome to our page dedicated to the propertiƩs of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

Here you can find out what makes each Fibonacci number unique: its position in the sequence, its parity, its length, the sum of its digits, its precision in relation to the golden ratio, and even the distribution of its digits.

It's very simple, just type in the position of the number you want to see (e.g. 15) and you'll discover all the properties of the number at that position in the Fibonacci sequence.


Properties of the 62th number in the Fibonacci sequence

Position 62
Parity Odd
Length 13
Sum 53
Golden ratio accuracy 23
Distribution 0 : 2
1 : 2
2 : 1
3 : 1
4 : 1
5 : 1
6 : 1
7 : 2
8 : 1
9 : 1

Value of the 62th number in the sequence