Properties to discover :
- Position
- Each number in the Fibonacci sequence has a specific position. The first number is in position 1, the second in position 2, and so on.
Example : the number 21 is in position 9 in the sequence. - Parity
- Next, we can ask ourselves whether a number is even or odd. This is called parity.
Example : the number 8, which is 7th in the sequence, is an even number, while the number 13, which is 8th, is odd. - Length
- Do you want to know how many digits there are in one of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence? This is called length.
Example : the number 55, which is in 11th position, has 2 digits, so its length is 2. - Sum
- Another interesting property is the sum of the digits in a number.
Example : the number 144, which is the 13th in the sequence, has a sum of 9 digits (1 + 4 + 4). - Golden ratio accuracy
- The ratio between two consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence is getting closer and closer to the famous golden ratio. The precision of the golden ratio tells you how many decimal places of this ratio are identical to the golden ratio.
Example : if you take the number 34 and the previous number in the sequence 21, the ratio 34/21 gives approximately 1.619, which gives 2 decimal places in common (1.61) with the golden section (1.618033...). - Distribution
- Finally, each number has a particular distribution of digits. In other words, you can see how many times each digit from 1 to 9 appears in the number.
Example : in the number 144, there are 2 times the digit 4 and 1 time the digit 1.